United States

Non Timber Forest Product Resources


On this page you will find links to photo galleries (which may include clip art, drawings and paintings). Most of the images in these galleries are in the public domain and can be used freely for commercial purposes, with two exceptions. Images with people and images with business labeling and/or finished products are intended for educational, noncommercial use, unless you receive permission to use them otherwise. If you copy an image, the creator (i.e., photographer or artist) should be credited. Name(s) are listed at the end of the file name. If no creator is listed the image is most likely historical and the creator unknown and in the public domain. In addition to these galleries the Internet has many website databases with images that are in the public domain and allow commercial use. At the bottom of this page we list some of these sources.



You can find videos about NTFPs on YouTube, Vimeo, university extension programs, and elsewhere on the Internet. They can be a wealth of information about harvesting, marketing, cultural values, and more. They can vary widely in quality and accuracy of content so watch with a critical eye and triangulate your findings with other sources.

Here are a few links and channels we have curated: